Nov 10, 2014

【Update】7th NGW program and Instructions for participants

7th Next Generation Workshop program and Instructions for partisipants are available in this page. Poster and […]・・・

Oct 30, 2014

Call for Papers: International Conference on Disasters in Asia(Deadline: 11, Nov. 2014)

Call for Papers Sample Abst. and Instructions for Abst. KUASU don`t pass on your information to the Conference […]・・・

Oct 20, 2014

Event Information: Seminar “Philology and Exegesis in East Asia”(Nov. 7)

Title: Philology and Exegesis in East Asia:  Speaker: Prof. Benjamin A. Elman(Princeton Univ.). Date: Nov […]・・・

Sep 29, 2014

Event Information: Seminar “Women’s Returns to Education in the Marriage Market: A Comparative Analysis of Japan, Korea, and Taiwan” (Oct. 10)

Title: Women's Returns to Education in the Marriage Market: A Comparative Analysis of Japan, Ko […]・・・

Sep 4, 2014

Event Information: Seminar. “Adultery and Gendered-biased Sexual Modernity in Japan.” (Sep.9)(ended)

Title: Adultery and Gendered-biased Sexual Modernity in Japan Speaker: Prof. Harald Fuess (the […]・・・

Aug 27, 2014

Summer School @the Graduate School of Economics, Sep.13-21(ended)

The Graduate School of Economics will hold a Summer School between September 13 (Sat) and September 21 (Sun) m […]・・・

Aug 8, 2014

Call for papers; The 7th Next-Generation Global Workshop, Dec.6-8(ended)

Call for papers; The 7th Next-Generation Global Workshop The 7th Next-Generation Global Workshop Theme: Care a […]・・・

Aug 5, 2014

Event Information: KUASU seminar “Korean Family and Gender”(Aug.19)

Title: Korean Family and Gender: A Historical and Cultural Perspective Speaker: Prof. Okpyo Moo […]・・・

Jul 10, 2014

Event Information: KUASU seminar “Cities of Power”

Title: Cities of Power Speaker: Göran Therborn Date: July 22, 16:30-18:30 Venue: 5th Floor, Fuculty […]・・・

Jun 5, 2014

Event Information: KUASU/CAPE Seminar ‘Informed Consent and Cancer Disclosure’ June 12

Title:  Informed Consent and Cancer Disclosure: Thinking Between the Lines of Policy and Practice Sp […]・・・