Related Organizations and Programs

Related Organizations and Programsの風景

Asian Research Center for the Intimate and Public Spheres, Graduate School of Letters

The Asian Research Center for the Intimate and Public Spheres (ARCIP) was established to continue the activities of the Global COE for “Reconstruction of the Intimate and Public Spheres in 21st Century Asia” (2008-2012) which had already created a research paradigm connecting micro human experiences and macro social systems. A global network of partner institutions had also been established, resulting in the formation of the Research Consortium for the Intimate and the Public (RCIP) consisting of researchers from 33 universities and research institutions around the world. ARCIP serves as the secretariat of the consortium as well as continuing various research and educational programs of the GCOE. ARCIP also acts as the secretariat of KUASU’s Social Studies Division.

Center for Applied Philosophy & Ethics (CAPE), Graduate School of Letters

Since its establishment in April 2012, the center has emphasized identifying and tackling real life issues that Asian people face today and offering conceptual frameworks within which they can solve these problems in their own ways. It has organized a number of workshops and conferences on Asian issues such as environmental and agricultural ethics. It is also establishing a network of applied philosophy and ethics among Asian scholars.

Center for East Asian Economics Studies, Graduate School of Economics


The center was established under the name of the Shanghai Center for Economic Research in 2002 and renamed in 2009. The center has been conducting and stimulating research on East Asian Economies, including not only China and South Korea but also the ASEAN region; building a research network in the region; promoting educational projects; and contributing to society based on the result of these activities. Given the increasing significance of regional economies, the center is expected to play a growing role both practically and academically. In addition, the Joint Economic Research Center has also been jointly established in Bejing by Kyoto University Graduate School of Economics and Renmin University of China with the aim of providing a new base in China and supporting their activities by collecting data and information on Chinese and East Asian economies as well as strengthening collaborative relations.

International Graduate Course for East Asia Sustainable Economic Development Studies, Graduate School of Economics


The International Course for East Asia Sustainable Economic Development Studies (launched in 2009) is designed to provide international students with both advanced academic knowledge and practical skills. The course is unique in that its entire curriculum is provided in English; its academic year starts in October; and students have many opportunities to conduct field research at diverse sites such as large manufacturing plants and small factories, cutting-edge businesses and rural farming communities throughout Japan and East Asia to nurture a sense of reality. Students are expected to develop a multidimensional, multidisciplinary, and international point of view that is essential to deal with and contribute to the sustainable development of East Asian economies. Our students are from China, South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Germany and other countries. From 2013 the course is open to Japanese students as well.

<Previous Programs>

The Kyoto Erasmus Program (February 2009 – January 2013), Graduate School of Economics, Graduate School of Letters and Graduate School of Management


“The Kyoto Erasmus Program for the Overseas Development of Future Research Project Leadership on Sustainable Social Development in Asia” (February 2009 – January 2013) was a part of the Institutional Program for Young Researcher Overseas Visits, sponsored by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. This program was jointly managed by three graduate schools of Kyoto University: Economics, Letters, and Management. The program aimed to promote international intellectual interaction among young scholars in Kyoto and abroad, especially in Asia. Following the example of “Erasmus Mundus” in Europe, this program was expected to promote dialogue and understanding between peoples and cultures through mobility and academic cooperation among young researchers and graduate students, and to build an academic base for their future international research activities which are vital to deal with the emerging social, economic, cultural, and environmental problems faced by our globalized world. The outcome reports and papers of the Kyoto Erasmus Program have been archived and made available on the KUASU website.

Global Center of Excellence for Reconstruction of the Intimate and Public Spheres in 21st Century Asia (2008 – 2013), Graduate School of Letters


The Global COE (Center of Excellence) Program has been established by Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to nurture highly creative young researchers who will go on to become world leaders in their respective fields and strengthen and enhance the education and research functions of graduate schools. The program for Reconstruction of the Intimate and Public Spheres in 21st Century Asia (2008-2013) started out with overseas partners from 8 universities, and the network extended to include researchers from 33 universities and research institutions. With these partners we established the Research Consortium for the Intimate and the Public in 2011. The academic achievements of the GCOE have been published in many papers and publications, and in 2012 we started publication of the outcome series in Japanese and English. The English series is “The Intimate and the Public in Asian and Global Perspectives” (16 volumes published by Brill), and the Japanese series is henyou suru shinmitsuken/ koukyouken (‘Transformations of Intimate and Public Spheres’, 20 volumes published by Kyoto University Press). The international collaborative education, including the well-established Next-Generation Global Workshop is being continued in KUASU and the Asian Research Center for the Intimate and Public Spheres.