Proceedings of the 12th Next Generation Global Workshop

Session 1. | ||
Pham Thi Thanh Huyen | University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University | In pursuit of sustainable ethnic equalities via cultural dialogue among the Cham in Ninh Thuận province, Vietnam 01. Pham Huyen |
Maria Carlotta Avanzi | Kyoto University | Art and Inequalities. -Focusing on the Oriental Art Museum of Turin and on its Efforts to OvercomeCultural Inequalities Caused by Ethnic Differences- |
Agustinus Sem Porak Tangkeliku | University of Indonesia | Gambling in Buffalo Fighting as a symbol of Social Class in Rambu Solo ‘Ceremony’ – Continuity and Social Change in the Toraja Society |
Estu Putri Wilujeng | University of Indonesia | Urban Labour Inequality: Segregation and Gentrification in the Jakarta Industrial Area |
Jagriti Gangopadhyay | Manipal Academy of Higher Education | Examining the role of civil societies in shaping the process of growing old among older adults across India |
Daryl Ooi Shen | National University of Singapore | Virtue Ethics: Forgotten or Forsaken – The Relevance of a Virtue Ethic of Roles for Singaporean Society |
Sayaka Sakoda | Kyoto University | Historical Evolution of Inequalities and Status Identification: An Approach Based on the Concept of Self-Responsibility |
Session 2. | ||
Hilson Reidpath | University of Hawaii at Manoa | Too Sweet to Crash: Sugar, Famine and Fleeing in early 20th Century Okinawa |
Lana Hye-Joe Park | Seoul National University | What Comes Next After the Subalterns Spoke? |
Goh Jianrong | National University of Singapore | Decolonising ‘Urban Experiment’: Thinking from “Asia” |
Droz Laÿna | Kyoto University | Unethical or Meaningful Inequalities: Sustainability as Priority in the Global Context of Pluralism of Worldviews |
Rekha Yadav | Jawaharlal Nehru University | Religious, Caste, Gender Inequalities and the Making of Akhāṛās (Wrestling Gymnasiums) as a Social Space in North India |
Tokiko Inoue | Kyoto Univeisity | A Study of Muslim Internal Displaced Persons in Post-War Sri Lanka: Women’s Perspective of Social Changes among IDPs |
Raman Deep | Delhi University | Conceptualising Dalits in Contemporary India |
Session 3. | ||
Ritwika Patgiri | South Asian University | Of Inequalities and Hopes: The Gendered Connotations of the Economic Liberalization of India |
Punita Kapoor | Jawaharlal Nehru University | Gender Socio-Economic Inequalities: Traditional Indian Embroidery Industry in India |
Rubani Yumkhaibam | Independent Researcher | Gender Inequality, Power, and Resistance: A Study of the Socio-Cultural Location of Transgender Nupi Mannbis of Manipur |
Rini Maryam | University of Indonesia | The Urgency of Applying Domestic Violence Screening Mechanism for Divorce Mediation in Religious Court |
Truong Thi Thu Thuy | Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences | Women’s Responses to Domestic Violence(Qualitative analysis in Hue and An Giang Provinces) |
Iva Kasuma | University of Indonesia | The Challenge of Proving Cases of Repeated Sexual Violence: A Study into HowVictims are Handled in Indonesia Legal Procedure |