9/24更新【お知らせ】 第15回次世代グローバルワークショップ(NGGW)・落合恵美子教授による基調講演のご案内
Making care visible and sustainable: imaginations for the futureThe Next-Generation Global Workshop (NGGW) has been held annually since 2008 (see the Annex for information of the annual topics of NGGWs since 2008 and key products) to provide an opportunity for early-career scholars to present their research in English and to obtain feedback from an international audience. It has proved to be a pleasant and effective way for capacity building through the mentorship provided by the professors of participating universities around the world. It has also served as an invaluable opportunity for participants to learn from one another and deepen their understanding of various social phenomena in the world, particularly in Asia. Ultimately, the NGGW has acted as a forum for scholars of different generations and from various regions to build a common academic foundation by redefining Asia in a global context.The spread of COVID-19 has been shown nationally and internationally to have a particularly strong impact on women. Because of this “pandemic of intimacy,” the impact on women, who often play the crucial role in caretaking for others both in unpaid roles at home and in paid positions in the labor market, has been particularly significant. This observation has also proven that the value of care as a life-supporting activity is not appropriately valued in society. Society operates without adequate consideration of the time and effort needed for this activity. The strain of this problem is not attributable to the spread of COVID-19; however, the pandemic has magnified and visualized the burden of care. This problem is not merely a social problem but also a cultural and academic one in that it makes care invisible and treated unjustly. Making care visible and sustainable is a challenge for post–COVID-19 society.Possible areas and themes for application include policy, welfare, migration, gender, childcare, care work, housework, food, medicine, ethics, philosophy, history, subculture, literature, film, and art. Note that we will accept themes covering as wide a range as possible to ensure opportunities for young scholars to participate. We look forward to your applications.
日 時: 2022年9月24日(土)11:50-19:30、
形 態: オンライン開催(ZOOM)(事前登録要)
主 催: 京都大学アジア研究教育ユニット(KUASU)
使用言語: 英語
[Keynote Speech & Round Table at the 15th NGGW]
– Keynote Speech (17:10 – 18:00)
Addresser: Prof. Emiko Ochiai (Kyoto University)
Theme: Embracing Life and Care in the Society and Social Science
The phrase “population ageing” may conjure up negative images, but it should be celebrated, instead. The dream of long life has finally been achieved by humanity. As the demographic transition is irreversible, aged societies, or super-aged societies, are the normal way for future human societies. We are taking on the challenge, one unprecedented in human history, of creating a social system appropriate for the “longevity revolution.” Feminist economics expands the concept of economics to include reproduction. Without a carefully thought-out reconstruction of social systems to allow spreading reproduction costs among the three sectors of the economy, the state, and the family and appropriately redistributing labor, including both productive and reproductive labor, society itself will no longer be sustainable. This lecture intends to examine institutional reform, looking at what sort of social systems (or economies in the broader sense/welfare regimes) are being created following the transformation of the 20th century system, particularly focusing on human reproduction in a comparative perspective.
– Round Table (18:00 – 19:00)
Prof. Teppo Kröger (University of Jyväskylä),
Prof. Rajni Palriwala (Delhi University),
Prof. Barbara Hobson (Stockholm University).
– Discussion and Q&A (19:00 – 19:30)
日 時: 2022年9月24日(土)17:10 – 19:30
形 態: ZOOMウェビナー(事前登録要)
主 催: 京都大学アジア研究教育ユニット(KUASU)
使用言語: 英語