Event Information: Asia Economic Development Seminar (1/29)
Asia Economic Development Seminar (English Seminar)
Date: January, 29, 2014 17:00-18:30
Venue: Basement Floor, “Mizuho Hall”, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Economics East Bldg. Yoshida Campus, (No.5 building in the map)http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/access/campus/yoshida/map6r_y.htm
Presenter : Yuka Takeda (Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts and Science, Kyushu University))
"Garden plots as an informal safety net in rural Russia: Their role in recovery from income shocks and a quasi-social policy"
By using micro data from the Russian Household Budget Survey of 2004 and 2009, this study analyzes whether food production on garden plots (or, personal subsidiary husbandry), a traditional activity in rural Russia, functions as a safety net for rural households in the event of an income shock. The empirical results reveal that poor rural households are more active in assuring the food security function of their garden plots in the event of an income shock. This demonstrates that production on garden plots could help rural households buttress against an income shock and help poor rural households, in particular, escape poverty. The study concluded that production on garden plots could play a role of a quasi-social policy for the poor rural households under the situation ofa malfunction in the formal social policy.
Language: English
Director: Prof. Mieno mieno-lab●cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp(Please replace ●with @)