
【お知らせ】DAAD-JSPS Project: Entangled Pasts in the Global Present: Gender, Labor & Citizenship→終了しました

ワークショップ「20世紀の労働とシティズンシップ」(京都大学=ハイデルベルク大学DAAD/JSPSプロジェクト「グローバル化する現在の中のもつれた過去― ジェンダー、労働、シティズンシップ」を開催いたします。(一般公開はしていません。)

Heidelberg-Kyoto Project Organisers: Professor Harald Fuess and Professor Yoko Nagahara/Junki Sasaki



Project Kick-Off Workshop, Kyoto University, Friday, 14 April 2017

Rakuyu-Kaikan (Conference Room 1F), on the Yoshida-Minami campus

Schedule: 13:30 – 19:00


Session One Colonial and Wartime Labor (13:30-16:00)

1.     Yoko NAGAHARA (Kyoto) Colonial Soldiers/Laborers in Southern Africa during WWI: Transnationality and Continuity in Mobilization

2.     Hyojin LEE (Heidelberg) “The Academic Careers of Graduates of Keijo Imperial University – Focusing on faculty of law and literature”

3.     Takeo SUZUKI (Kyoto) A Small Group of German Revolutionaries in Exile:the Internationaler Sozialistischer Kampfbund and its Publications for Solidarity against Nazi Germany

4.     Xueni GU (Kyoto) Building the Mind of the Nation: The Diffusion of Volkspsychologie in Japan and China in the Early 20th Century

5.     Kentaro FUJIMOTO (Kyoto) A Japanese Oil Company in Soviet Sakhalin, 1925-1943

6.     Andreas Eichleter, Foreign Labour in Japan Then and Now – From Teachers to Nurses

7.     Takuma Melber (Heidelberg) “Forced Labor in Japanese Occupied Southeast Asia, 1942-1945”

Break 16:00-16:30


Session Legacies and New Developments (16:30-19:00)

8.     Shuntaro TSURU (Kyoto) Colonial Labor History of Japan: A Review of Literature

9.     Steven Ivings (Heidelberg) “Return on Display: Nationalizing Postcolonial Migration at Maizuru”

10.  Maksym Grinenko (Heidelberg), “Labor Movement and Japanese Foreign Relations during the Cold War”

11.  Till Knaudt (Heidelberg), ”Labor and its struggles on post war Hokkaidô in a global context“

12.  Junki SASAKI (Kyoto): Turkish "Gastarbeiter" and the “Planung” under the Social-liberal Coalition

13.  Patrick VIERTHALER (Kyoto) “Establishment of the Government” or “Foundation of the Nation”? : The Legacy of Colonialism and the Cold War in South Korean Historiography

14.  Harald Fuess (Heidelberg) “Gunkanjima: Island of Black Horrors and Golden Dreams”


Workshop Dinner: 7-9 PM Gion Kaburaya