
【お知らせ】KUASU公開セミナー(4/7, 10 Prof. Jay GARFIELD)


場所:京都大学文学部東館2階257号室「KUASU多目的室」(KUASU Meeting Room 257, Faculty of Letters East Bldg., Kyoto University)
講師:Prof. Jay Garfield (National University of Singapore)  


Title: Buddhist Epistemology
April 7 (MON), 2014 14 : 45~16 : 15
Abstract: Buddhist Pramāṇa theory results in a conceptual landscape in epistemology somewhat different from that of the West. We will examine the nature of pramāṇa and the Buddhist debates about knowledge this construct makes possible.

Title: Buddhist Logic and Philosophy of Language
April 10 (THU), 2014 17 : 3019 : 00
Abstract: Buddhist philosophers of language, guided by nominalism and a suspicion of discursive practices, nonetheless wrote and spoke, and so required a theory of meaning and of linguistic practice. This lecture will examine Buddhist contributions to our understanding of language.
